7个“O”水准必备的华文成语(Chinese idiom),一起学起来吧?

在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idiom)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。


1.堂堂正正 (táng táng zhèng zhèng)

  • 中文意思:形容光明正大、理直气壮的样子。
  • 造句:小李总是堂堂正正地面对挑战,从不畏惧困难,赢得了大家的尊重。
  • The Chinese idiom 堂堂正正 (táng táng zhèng zhèng) describes someone or something as upright and honorable, acting with integrity and confidence. It is often used to emphasize fairness and straightforwardness in actions or behavior.

2. 临危不惧 (lín wēi bù jù)

  • 中文意思:在面临危险时毫不害怕和退缩。
  • 造句:在紧急情况下,消防员们临危不惧,迅速展开救援行动。
  • The Chinese idiom 临危不惧 (lín wēi bù jù) describes someone who remains fearless and composed in the face of danger. It is often used to praise bravery and calmness in challenging situations.

3. 急中生智 (jí zhōng shēng zhì)

  • 中文意思:在紧急情况下突然想出好主意或办法
  • 造句:在比赛的最后一分钟,小明急中生智,想出了一个绝妙的策略,帮助球队赢得了胜利。
  • The Chinese idiom 顶天立地  (dǐng tiān lì dì) is used to describe a person’s upright and unyielding character.

4. 力挽狂澜 (lì wǎn kuáng lán)

  • 中文意思:比喻在危难时用力量挽回局面。
  • 造句:公司面临破产,他凭借出色的领导能力力挽狂澜,最终让企业重回正轨。
  • The Chinese idiom 急中生智 (jí zhōng shēng zhì) describes coming up with a clever solution or idea in a moment of urgency. It is often used to highlight quick thinking and resourcefulness under pressure.

5. 推心置腹 (tuī xīn zhì fù)

  • 中文意思:形容真心诚意地待人。
  • 造句:他们推心置腹地交谈,彼此之间的误会终于得以化解。
  • The Chinese idiom 推心置腹 (tuī xīn zhì fù) describes treating someone with genuine sincerity and openness. It is often used to emphasize heartfelt communication and trust.

6. 荣辱与共 (róng rǔ yǔ gòng)

  • 中文意思:形容在荣耀和屈辱中共同承担、分享。
  • 造句:这支球队的成员们荣辱与共,无论胜败都团结一致。
  • The Chinese idiom 荣辱与共 (róng rǔ yǔ gòng) describes sharing both honor and disgrace together. It is often used to emphasize solidarity and collective responsibility in both good times and bad.

7. 名列前茅 (míng liè qián máo)

  • 中文意思:形容名次排在前面。
  • 造句:经过刻苦学习,小红在期末考试中名列前茅,获得了奖学金。
  • The Chinese idiom 名列前茅 (míng liè qián máo) describes being at the top of a list or ranking. It is often used to highlight outstanding performance or achievement.




Claire Guo