Chinese Idioms writing practice for beginners + Chill Music, Study Time!
Today’s Chinese Idioms & meaning as below:
万事如意 : all the best and success
千变万化 : ever-changing; be infinite in variety
千辛万苦: go through untold many hardships
千千万万 : thousands and thousands of
万无一失 : guarantee complete success;cannot fail under any circumstances
千家万户 :huge numbers of families
千军万马 :millions of troops
千言万语 :there’s a whole lot we’d like to say
万里长城 : The grate world
瞬息万变 : changing all the time; undergoing a myriad changes in the twinkling of an eye
万能钥匙 : the skeleton key ; grandmaster key
千丝万缕 : have all kinds of connections with; countless ties;
千真万确 : (be) absolutely true; really and truly; that’s only too true.;
包罗万象 : cover and contain everything; all-embracing; all-inclusive;
千山万水 : a long and arduous journey
十万火急 : most urgent; extra-urgent;
万众一心 : with one heart and one mind
Chill Vibes from: Daehan (대한)- Ur Cute (Julien From Florida Remix)💛
First Maboy(DJMAX + KPOP mix), by Bong Hyun Goo
Stay With Me(Tobias Dray Remix), by Jay Park (박재범)
TAEYEON (태연) – What Do I Call You, by RV
Inspirational Instrument / Soundtrack – Mattesar – Freefall, by Fox Beat Gatsby (Classy/Chill | Instrumental Beat), by Prod. IMMORTAL
Very Chill Guitar Hip Hop Instrumental Rap Beat, by Spike’s Vibes
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