Chinese idioms, or chengyu (成语 chéngyǔ), are an essential part of the Chinese language. Although most Chinese idioms only four characters long, they are useful for expressing a variety of different meaning hence it is common to use in contemporary Chinese.
Being able to use Chinese idioms will elevate your conversation and writing. Students might find that conversations are more interesting by express their thoughts use Chinese idioms.
Chinese idioms, 即成语chéngyǔ,是中文的一个重要组成部分。虽然大多数中文成语只有四个字,但它们有助于表达各种不同的意思,因此在现代汉语中普遍使用。能够使用中文成语将提升你的对话和写作水平。学生们可能会发现,使用中文成语来表达他们的想法,会使对话更加有趣。
在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。
1. 天下无双 (tiān xià wú shuāng)
- 中文意思:形容独一无二,世上没有能与之相比的。
- 造句:这幅画工艺精湛,堪称天下无双,吸引了无数艺术爱好者前来观赏。
- The Chinese idiom 天下无双 (tiān xià wú shuāng) means “unparalleled in the world,” describing something or someone as unique and incomparable. It is often used to emphasize excellence or rarity.
2. 天之骄子 (tiān zhī jiāo zǐ)
- 中文意思:形容特别受上天眷顾的人,通常指才能出众或备受宠爱的人。
- 造句: 他从小聪明过人,家境优越,被大家称为天之骄子。
- The Chinese idiom 天之骄子 (tiān zhī jiāo zǐ) refers to someone who is favored by heaven, often describing a person with exceptional talent, privilege, or fortune. It conveys admiration for someone’s outstanding qualities or favorable circumstances.
3. 天衣无缝 (tiān yī wú fèng)
- 中文意思: 原指神话中天上的衣服没有缝隙,后比喻事物周密完美,没有一点破绽。
- 造句:他为这次演讲做了充分准备,逻辑清晰,内容天衣无缝,赢得了全场掌声。
- The Chinese idiom 天衣无缝 (tiān yī wú fèng) originally referred to the seamless garments of celestial beings in mythology. It is now used metaphorically to describe something that is flawless, perfect, or without any loopholes or defects.
4. 天花乱坠 (tiān huā luàn zhuì)
- 中文意思: 原指佛教故事中说法时天花纷纷飘落的美景,后用来形容说话非常动听或夸张得不切实际。
- 造句:销售员把产品吹得天花乱坠,但实际上功能并没有他说的那么好。
- The Chinese idiom 天花乱坠 (tiān huā luàn zhuì) originally described a heavenly scene of flowers falling gracefully from the sky in Buddhist stories. It is now commonly used to describe speech that is overly eloquent, exaggerated, or filled with unrealistic embellishments.
5. 开卷有益 (kāi juàn yǒu yì)
- 中文意思:打开书本阅读就会有收获,形容读书总是有好处的。
- 造句:老师经常鼓励我们多读书,因为开卷有益,不管是课内还是课外的知识都能让人受益匪浅。
- The Chinese idiom 开卷有益 (kāi juàn yǒu yì) literally means “opening a book is beneficial.” It emphasizes that reading is always valuable and brings knowledge or inspiration, no matter the content.
6. 天罗地网 (tiān luó dì wǎng)
- 中文意思: 原指天上地下都布满罗网,形容包围得非常严密,难以逃脱。
- 造句:警方布下天罗地网,最终将犯罪嫌疑人成功抓获。
- The Chinese idiom 天罗地网 (tiān luó dì wǎng) literally means “a net in the sky and on the ground,” and it is often used to describe a tightly-knit trap or inescapable situation, usually in the context of tracking down someone or something.
7. 天经地义 (tiān jīng dì yì)
- 中文意思: 指像天和地的法则一样不可改变,形容理所当然的道理。
- 造句:孝敬父母是天经地义的事情,每个人都应该做到。
- The Chinese idiom 天经地义 (tiān jīng dì yì) literally means “as unchangeable as the principles of heaven and earth.” It is used to describe something as self-evident, universally accepted, and morally correct.
- Explore the Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ) - 2024-12-30
- Explore the Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ) - 2024-12-23
- Explore the Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ) - 2024-12-16