Explore the Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ)

Chinese idioms, or chengyu (成语 chéngyǔ), are an essential part of the Chinese language. Although most Chinese idioms only four characters long, they are useful for expressing a variety of different meaning hence it is common to use in contemporary Chinese.

Being able to use Chinese idioms will elevate your conversation and writing. Students might find that conversations are more interesting by express their thoughts use Chinese idioms.

Chinese idioms, 即成语chéngyǔ,是中文的一个重要组成部分。虽然大多数中文成语只有四个字,但它们有助于表达各种不同的意思,因此在现代汉语中普遍使用。能够使用中文成语将提升你的对话和写作水平。学生们可能会发现,使用中文成语来表达他们的想法,会使对话更加有趣。

在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。


1. 车辙马迹 (chē zhé mǎ jì)

  • 中文意思:指车轮和马蹄留下的痕迹,比喻事物留下的痕迹或行动的踪迹。
  • 造句:侦探仔细观察地面上的车辙马迹,从而找到了嫌疑人逃跑的方向。
  • The Chinese idiom 车辙马迹 (chē zhé mǎ jì) refers to the tracks left by cart wheels and horse hooves. It is often used metaphorically to describe traces or evidence of actions or events.

2. 比肩继踵 (bǐ jiān jì zhǒng)

  • 中文意思:形容人非常多,肩挨肩、脚跟着脚,接连不断的样子。
  • 造句: 节日期间,景区内游客比肩继踵,几乎寸步难行。
  • The Chinese idiom 比肩继踵 (bǐ jiān jì zhǒng) describes a crowded scene where people are shoulder to shoulder and heel to heel, emphasizing a large, continuous crowd. It is often used to highlight busy or densely populated situations.

3. 开门揖盗 (kāi mén yī dào)

  • 中文意思: 揖,作揖,表示迎接。比喻引狼入室,主动把坏人或祸患引入。
  • 造句:他轻信陌生人的花言巧语,把重要的商业机密透露出去,简直是开门揖盗。
  • The Chinese idiom 开门揖盗 (kāi mén yī dào) literally means “opening the door and inviting in thieves.” It is a metaphor for foolishly or negligently bringing trouble, danger, or bad people into one’s own situation.

4. 开天辟地 (kāi tiān pì dì)

  • 中文意思:原指盘古开辟天地的神话故事,后用来形容前所未有的伟大创举或重大事件。
  • 造句:这家公司推出的创新技术堪称开天辟地,彻底改变了行业的格局。
  • The Chinese idiom 开天辟地 (kāi tiān pì dì) originally refers to the mythological story of Pangu creating the heavens and earth. It is now used metaphorically to describe groundbreaking innovations or unprecedented events of great significance.

5. 开卷有益 (kāi juàn yǒu yì)

  • 中文意思:打开书本阅读就会有收获,形容读书总是有好处的。
  • 造句:老师经常鼓励我们多读书,因为开卷有益,不管是课内还是课外的知识都能让人受益匪浅。
  • The Chinese idiom 开卷有益 (kāi juàn yǒu yì) literally means “opening a book is beneficial.” It emphasizes that reading is always valuable and brings knowledge or inspiration, no matter the content.

6. 开诚布公 (kāi chéng bù gōng)

  • 中文意思: 形容以诚心待人,坦白无私地表明自己的意见或想法。
  • 造句:在团队讨论中,大家应该开诚布公地交流想法,这样才能找到最好的解决方案。
  • The Chinese idiom 开诚布公 (kāi chéng bù gōng) means to treat others with sincerity and express opinions or intentions openly and honestly. It emphasizes transparency and frankness in communication.

7. 五十步笑百步 (wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù)

  • 中文意思: 比喻自己与别人都有缺点或错误,但程度不同,却讥笑别人不如自己。
  • 造句: 你迟到了十分钟,却嘲笑他迟到了二十分钟,真是五十步笑百步。
  • The Chinese idiom 五十步笑百步 (wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù) literally means “the one who retreats fifty steps laughs at the one who retreats a hundred steps.” It is often used to describe someone criticizing others for flaws or mistakes that they themselves also possess, albeit to a lesser degree.



Claire Guo