在我们写文章时用对成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。
1. 好高鹜远 (hào gāo wù yuǎn)
- 中文意思:指不切实际的追求过高、过远的目标。
- 造句:他才刚开始学习弹钢琴就说能成为乐团的首席,团长说他太好高鹜远,努力练习才是他现在该做的。
- In English, it is used to describe someone who has ambitions or goals that are overly lofty or unrealistic. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “having one’s head in the clouds” or “biting off more than one can chew.”
2. 有恃无恐 (yǒu shì wú kǒng)
- 中文意思:形容因为有倚仗就无所畏惧或顾忌。
- 造句:虽然玉玲的妈妈是校长,但她没有因此有恃无恐,一直保持着谦逊待人的相处态度。
- In English, it is used to describe a situation where someone feels confident and fearless because they have strong backing or support. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “having a strong ace up one’s sleeve” or “having a powerful backing.”
3. 庸人自扰 (yōng rén zì rǎo)
- 中文意思:庸人:平凡的人;自扰:自己搅乱自己。指本来无事而去自找麻烦
- 造句:小乐的生活平稳富足却总是思前顾后,真是庸人自扰,其实生活只要开开心心的足矣。
- In English, it is used to describe a situation where someone creates unnecessary problems or complications for themselves, usually due to their own incompetence or lack of ability. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “making a mountain out of a molehill” or “creating problems where there are none.”
4. 略见一斑 (lüè jiàn yī bān)
- 中文意思:喻指大致看到了事物的某个方面,斑:斑纹。
- 造句:通过这次短暂的实习,我对公司的运营和管理略见一斑。
- In English, it is used to describe a situation where someone has only seen or understood a small portion of something larger or more complex. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “seeing just the tip of the iceberg” or “getting a taste of something.”
5. 味同嚼蜡 (wèi tóng jiáo là)
- 中文意思:像吃蜡一样,没有一点味儿。形容心境、语言或文章等枯燥无味。
- 造句:创业那段时候味同嚼蜡,需要坚持不懈的努力才有可能尝到甜头。
- In English, it is used to describe something that is dull, uninteresting, or lacks flavor. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “as dull as dishwater” or “lacking flavor or excitement.”
6. 绵里藏针 (mián lǐ cáng zhēn)
- 中文意思:比喻外表看来温柔, 软弱, 实则内心刻毒强硬。
- 造句:玲玲刚来时温婉可人,但共事处理过几次项目时发现她其实绵里藏针,真是人不可貌相。
- In English, it is used to describe a situation where something harmful or dangerous is concealed within something soft or harmless. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” or “hiding a sting.”
7. 匠心独运 (jiàng xīn dú yùn)
- 中文意思:匠心,巧妙的心思。形容创造性地运用精巧的心思。多指文学艺术的创作构思。
- 造句:这名钟表艺术家的作品展示了他匠心独运的技艺,令全场叹为观止。
In English, it is used to describe a situation where someone possesses exceptional skill, creativity, or ingenuity in their work or craft. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “masterful artistry” or “the work of a genius.”
8. 门可罗雀 (mén kě luó què)
- 中文意思:形容门前冷落,宾客往来稀少。
- 造句:因为政府的政策成功让经济回暖,店铺不再是门可罗雀的景象,一片欣欣向然,未来可期。
- In English, it is used to describe a situation where something harmful or dangerous is concealed within something soft or harmless. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” or “hiding a sting.”
9. 如法炮制 (rú fǎ páo zhì)
- 中文意思:本指依照成法,炮制药剂。后比喻照样处理。
- 造句:这家餐厅的厨师严格遵循传统烹饪方法,如法炮制出美味地道的菜肴,获得当地民众一致好评。
- In English, it is used to describe a situation where someone imitates or follows a previously established method or pattern in doing something, especially in producing something. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “following the same formula” or “copying the same pattern.”
10. 事半功倍 (shì bàn gōng bèi)
- 中文意思:本事:所要做的事情,指措施。功:功效。形容费力小,收效大。
- 造句:通过改进工作流程和提高效率,他们实现了事半功倍的效果,大大提高了生产力。
- In English, it is used to describe a situation where someone achieves better results or greater success with less effort by using an efficient method or approach. A similar English expression as this Chinese idiom would be “working smarter, not harder” or “getting more done with less effort.”
- 表达能力:成语是汉语中一种非常精炼且富有表现力的表达方式。通过使用成语,作者可以更简洁、生动地表达观点和情感。这使得文章更具吸引力,也能让阅读者更容易理解作者的意图。
- 文化内涵:成语通常源于中国的历史、文学作品和哲学思想。在文章中使用成语可以展示作者对中国文化的了解和尊重,也能让读者体会到深厚的文化底蕴。
- 行文优美:成语通常具有优美的韵律和独特的修辞效果。在写作中恰当地使用成语,可以提升文章的文学价值,使得行文更加流畅和优雅。
- 逻辑关系:成语可以用来表示因果关系、对比关系、让步关系等逻辑关系。通过使用成语,作者可以更清晰地表达思路,使文章结构更加紧密有序。
- 语言功底:能够熟练地运用成语表明作者具有较高的汉语水平。这在一定程度上会给评分者留下深刻的印象,提高文章的整体评价。
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- 考试时必备的Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ),一起学起来吧? - 2025-02-10
- 考试时必备的Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ),一起学起来吧? - 2025-02-03