考试时必备的Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ),一起学起来吧?

Chinese idioms, or chengyu (成语 chéngyǔ), are an essential part of the Chinese language. Although most Chinese idioms only four characters long, they are useful for expressing a variety of different meaning hence it is common to use in contemporary Chinese.

Being able to use Chinese idioms will elevate your conversation and writing. Students might find that conversations are more interesting by express their thoughts use Chinese idioms.

Chinese idioms, 即成语chéngyǔ,是中文的一个重要组成部分。虽然大多数中文成语只有四个字,但它们有助于表达各种不同的意思,因此在现代汉语中普遍使用。能够使用中文成语将提升你的对话和写作水平。学生们可能会发现,使用中文成语来表达他们的想法,会使对话更加有趣。

在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。


1. 不可多得 (bù kě duō dé)

  • 中文意思:形容非常稀少、难得,很难再找到或拥有的事物或人才。
  • 造句:他是一个不可多得的优秀工程师,公司对他的贡献非常重视。
  • The Chinese idiom 不可多得 (bù kě duō dé) describes something or someone extremely rare and valuable, difficult to come by. It is often used to emphasize the uniqueness or extraordinary nature of a person or thing.

2. 不可胜数 (bù kě shèng shǔ)

  • 中文意思:容数量极多,难以计算或数不过来。
  • 造句:在浩瀚的星空中,闪烁的星星不可胜数,让人感叹宇宙的广袤无垠。
  • The Chinese idiom 不可胜数 (bù kě shèng shǔ) describes something so numerous that it is impossible to count. It is often used to emphasize an overwhelming quantity or abundance.

3. 不可救药 (bù kě jiù yào)

  • 中文意思: 比喻到了无法挽救或改正的地步,常用来形容人或事物的问题严重,无法补救。
  • 造句:他对学习的态度如此懒散,简直到了不可救药的地步,让老师十分头疼。
  • The Chinese idiom 不可救药 (bù kě jiù yào) describes a state or condition that is beyond remedy or hopeless. It is often used to emphasize the severity of a problem or someone’s incorrigible behavior.

4. 不自量力 (bù zì liàng lì)

  • 中文意思: 形容人高估自己的能力,做超出自己能力范围的事情。
  • 造句:他明明没有攀岩经验,却偏偏要挑战最难的路线,真是不自量力。
  • The Chinese idiom 不自量力 (bù zì liàng lì) describes someone who overestimates their abilities and attempts tasks beyond their capacity. It is often used to criticize arrogance or unrealistic self-assessment.

5. 不合时宜 (bù hé shí yí)

  • 中文意思:形容言论、做法或事物不符合当前的时间、环境或潮流。
  • 造句:他在正式场合穿着睡衣出席显得十分不合时宜,引起了大家的议论。
  • The Chinese idiom 不合时宜 (bù hé shí yí) describes something that is inappropriate or out of place given the current time, situation, or context. It is often used to criticize actions or behaviors that do not suit the occasion.



Claire Guo