Chinese idioms, or chengyu (成语 chéngyǔ), are an essential part of the Chinese language. Although most Chinese idioms only four characters long, they are useful for expressing a variety of different meaning hence it is common to use in contemporary Chinese.
Being able to use Chinese idioms will elevate your conversation and writing. Students might find that conversations are more interesting by express their thoughts use Chinese idioms.
Chinese idioms, 即成语chéngyǔ,是中文的一个重要组成部分。虽然大多数中文成语只有四个字,但它们有助于表达各种不同的意思,因此在现代汉语中普遍使用。能够使用中文成语将提升你的对话和写作水平。学生们可能会发现,使用中文成语来表达他们的想法,会使对话更加有趣。
在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。
1. 天真烂漫 (tiān zhēn làn màn)
- 中文意思:形容人纯真自然,毫无做作,像孩子般单纯可爱。
- 造句:小丽天真烂漫的性格,总能为身边的人带来欢笑和温暖。
- The Chinese idiom 天真烂漫 (tiān zhēn làn màn) describes someone who is innocent, pure, and genuine, often like a child. It emphasizes natural charm and unpretentiousness, making the person endearing and lovable.
2. 天崩地裂 (tiān bēng dì liè)
- 中文意思:形容巨大灾难或变故,场面极为震撼,就像天塌地裂一般。
- 造句:这场突如其来的地震让整个城市如同天崩地裂,居民们都陷入了极大的恐慌之中。
- The Chinese idiom 天崩地裂 (tiān bēng dì liè) describes catastrophic events or upheavals that are overwhelming and shocking, creating a sense of the world collapsing or falling apart. It is often used metaphorically to emphasize the scale of destruction or emotional turmoil.
3. 无人之境 (wú rén zhī jìng)
- 中文意思: 形容无人到达或探索过的地方,也可以比喻超凡脱俗、不受世俗约束的境界。
- 造句:那片神秘的森林仿佛是无人之境,隐藏着无数未知的秘密,吸引了探险者的好奇心。
- The Chinese idiom 无人之境 (wú rén zhī jìng) describes a place where no one has ever been or explored. It can also be used metaphorically to suggest a transcendent state, free from worldly interference or constraints.
4. 无功受禄 (wú gōng shòu lù)
- 中文意思: 指没有功劳却得到了报酬或待遇,含有不劳而获的意思。
- 造句:他深知自己无功受禄,于是主动拒绝了那笔奖金,以示清白。
- The Chinese idiom 无功受禄 (wú gōng shòu lù) describes receiving rewards, benefits, or compensation without having done anything to deserve them. It often carries a connotation of unease or moral conflict about accepting unearned recognition or rewards.
5. 无可奈何 (wú kě nài hé)
- 中文意思:形容没有办法或无法解决问题,只能无奈接受。
- 造句:面对突如其来的暴雨,我们无可奈何地取消了原定的野餐计划。
- The Chinese idiom 无可奈何 (wú kě nài hé) describes a situation where one feels helpless or powerless to change or resolve something. It often conveys a sense of resignation or acceptance of circumstances beyond one’s control.
6. 无所不容 (wú suǒ bù róng)
- 中文意思: 形容胸怀宽广,能够包容一切,不排斥任何事物。
- 造句:他的性格温和,对待朋友总是充满耐心和理解,表现出无所不容的胸怀。
- The Chinese idiom 无所不容 (wú suǒ bù róng) describes an attitude of great tolerance and inclusiveness, being able to accept and accommodate everything without exclusion. It often highlights an open-minded and magnanimous character.
7. 无所畏忌 (wú suǒ wèi jì)
- 中文意思: 形容毫无畏惧,毫无顾忌,勇敢地面对一切困难或挑战。
- 造句:面对强大的对手,他无所畏忌,坚定地追求自己的目标,最终取得了胜利。
- The Chinese idiom 无所畏忌 (wú suǒ wèi jì) describes someone who is fearless and unrestrained, boldly facing challenges or difficulties without hesitation or concern. It emphasizes courage and determination.
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- 考试时必备的Chinese idioms (成语 chéngyǔ),一起学起来吧? - 2025-02-03