在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。
1. 学而不厌 (xué ér bù yàn)
- 中文意思:形容勤奋好学,从不感到厌倦。
- 造句:小李总是对新知识充满好奇,学而不厌,因此他在各个领域都有很深的造诣。
- The Chinese idiom 学而不厌 (xué ér bù yàn) describes someone who is diligent and eager to learn, never tiring of studying. It highlights a continuous passion for acquiring knowledge.
2. 勤学苦练 (qín xué kǔ liàn)
- 中文意思:形容刻苦努力地学习和训练。
- 造句:为了在比赛中取得好成绩,小红每天勤学苦练,从不懈怠。
- The Chinese idiom 勤学苦练 (qín xué kǔ liàn) describes someone who is diligent and persevering in their studies and practice. It emphasizes hard work and dedication to improve skills or knowledge.
3. 屏气凝神 (bǐng qì níng shén)
- 中文意思:形容集中注意力,全神贯注。
- 造句:在关键时刻,观众们屏气凝神,期待着比赛的结果。
- The Chinese idiom 屏气凝神 (bǐng qì níng shén) describes focusing intently and concentrating fully. It highlights a state of deep attention and anticipation.
4. 水滴石穿 (shuǐ dī shí chuān)
- 中文意思:比喻只要有恒心,不断努力,事情就一定能成功。
- 造句:虽然学习过程很艰难,但小李相信水滴石穿,最终一定能掌握这门语言。
- The Chinese idiom 水滴石穿 (shuǐ dī shí chuān) describes the power of perseverance and continuous effort. It emphasizes that with determination, even the hardest tasks can be accomplished.
5. 临危不惧 (lín wēi bù jù)
- 中文意思:形容在危急关头毫不畏惧。
- 造句:面对突如其来的困难,他临危不惧,冷静地找出了解决办法。
- The Chinese idiom 临危不惧 (lín wēi bù jù) describes someone who remains fearless and calm in the face of danger. It highlights courage and composure during critical situations.
6. 履险如夷 (lǚ xiǎn rú yí)
- 中文意思:形容在险境中行走如同在平地一样,形容非常从容镇定。
- 造句:面对复杂的局势,他履险如夷,始终保持冷静,带领团队渡过难关。
- The Chinese idiom 履险如夷 (lǚ xiǎn rú yí) describes moving through danger as if it were flat ground, emphasizing calmness and composure in challenging situations.
7. 挺身而出 (tǐng shēn ér chū)
- 中文意思:形容在紧急关头勇敢站出来承担责任或保护他人。
- 造句:在危急时刻,王先生挺身而出,帮助受困的人们安全撤离。
- The Chinese idiom 挺身而出 (tǐng shēn ér chū) describes bravely stepping forward in times of crisis to take responsibility or protect others. It highlights courage and readiness to act.
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