在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。
1. 守口如瓶 (shǒu kǒu rú píng)
- 中文意思:形容非常保守秘密,不泄露任何消息。
- 造句:小丽对朋友的私事守口如瓶,从不向他人提起。
- The Chinese idiom 守口如瓶 (shǒu kǒu rú píng) describes someone who is very good at keeping secrets and does not reveal any information. It is often used to emphasize a person’s discretion and trustworthiness in handling confidential matters.
2. 如履薄冰 (rú lǚ bó bīng)
- 中文意思:形容处境非常危险,小心谨慎,如同在薄冰上行走。
- 造句:在危机四伏的环境中工作,他每天都如履薄冰,生怕出现差错。
- The Chinese idiom 如履薄冰 (rú lǚ bó bīng) describes being in a very precarious situation where one must be extremely careful, as if walking on thin ice. It often highlights the need for caution and vigilance in risky circumstances.
3. 小心翼翼 (xiǎo xīn yì yì)
- 中文意思:形容非常谨慎,十分小心。
- 造句:小华小心翼翼地把珍贵的花瓶搬到安全的地方,生怕打碎。
- The Chinese idiom 小心翼翼 (xiǎo xīn yì yì) describes being extremely cautious and careful. It is often used to emphasize the meticulous attention someone pays to avoid mistakes or accidents.
4. 瞻前顾后 (zhān qián gù hòu)
- 中文意思:形容做事之前考虑周全,顾虑太多,犹豫不决。
- 造句:在做重要决定时,他总是瞻前顾后,担心可能出现的问题。
- The Chinese idiom 瞻前顾后 (zhān qián gù hòu) describes someone who thinks carefully and considers all aspects before taking action, often to the point of being overly cautious and indecisive.
5. 奉公守法 (fèng gōng shǒu fǎ)
- 中文意思:形容严格遵守法律法规,认真履行公职。
- 造句:他一直以来都是奉公守法的模范市民,受到大家的尊敬。
- The Chinese idiom 奉公守法 (fèng gōng shǒu fǎ) describes someone who strictly abides by laws and regulations and dutifully performs public duties. It is often used to emphasize a person’s integrity and law-abiding nature.
6. 一尘不染 (yī chén bù rǎn)
- 中文意思:形容非常干净,毫无污垢;也可指人品高尚,无瑕可击。
- 造句:她的房间总是一尘不染,给人一种清新的感觉。
- The Chinese idiom 一尘不染 (yī chén bù rǎn) describes something that is extremely clean and spotless; it can also refer to a person with impeccable character. It is often used to emphasize purity and cleanliness.
7. 廉洁奉公 (lián jié fèng gōng)
- 中文意思:形容为官清廉,不贪污受贿,尽职尽责地为公众服务。
- 造句:市长以廉洁奉公著称,他的领导让市政管理更加透明和高效。
- The Chinese idiom 廉洁奉公 (lián jié fèng gōng) describes someone who is honest and upright in public service, not engaging in corruption, and dutifully serving the public. It is often used to emphasize integrity and dedication in government or public roles.
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