7个“A”水准必备的华文成语(Chinese idioms),一起学起来吧?

在我们写文章时用成语(Chinese idioms)去表达意思、突出含义及总结论点,都是一种“提分神器”。成语就4个字,一旦学会应用得当,比写10句话都能直击要点。


1. 海阔天空 (hǎi kuò tiān kōng)

  • 中文意思:形容广阔无边的自然景象。也比喻心胸开阔、思维无拘无束,或形容言论、想象等非常自由,没有任何限制。
  • 造句:站在山顶,小丽望着海阔天空的景象,心情顿时豁然开朗,所有的烦恼都消散了。
  • The Chinese idiom 海阔天空 (hǎi kuò tiān kōng) describes the vastness and boundlessness of the sea and sky. It is often used metaphorically to express a sense of freedom, openness, or limitless possibilities, whether in one’s thoughts, emotions, or imagination.

2. 网开一面 (wǎng kāi yī miàn)

  • 中文意思:原指捕鸟时网只开一个口子让鸟飞走,后来比喻在处理某事时,给予他人宽容或放松要求,不做过于严格的处理。
  • 造句:虽然小李犯了错误,但考虑到他的认错态度良好,老师决定网开一面,给他一次改过自新的机会。
  • The Chinese idiom 网开一面 (wǎng kāi yī miàn) originally referred to leaving an opening in a net to allow some birds to escape. Metaphorically, it is used to describe an act of leniency or showing mercy by being less strict or giving someone a second chance.

3. 风云人物 (fēng yún rén wù)

  • 中文意思:形容在社会上或某个领域中非常有影响力、能够主导潮流的人物。通常指那些在关键时刻对局势产生重大影响的人。
  • 造句:在2024年的奥林匹克运动会,马龙是乒乓球场上的风云人物,他的拼搏精神展示了竞技体育的魅力。
  • The Chinese idiom 风云人物 (fēng yún rén wù) describes a person who is highly influential and plays a significant role in shaping events or trends, often in a particular field or within society. It highlights the individual’s ability to impact or lead during critical moments.

4. 赫赫有名 (hè hè yǒu míng)

  • 中文意思:形容声名非常显赫、广为人知。通常用来指某个人或事物在某个领域中非常著名,享有很高的声誉。
  • 造句:这家餐厅因其独特的烹饪风格而赫赫有名,吸引了众多美食爱好者前来品尝。
  • The Chinese idiom 赫赫有名 (hè hè yǒu míng) describes someone or something that is very famous and widely recognized, often in a positive context. It highlights an individual or entity’s great reputation and prominence in a particular field or among the public.

5. 设身处地 (shè shēn chǔ dì)

  • 中文意思:指设想自己处在别人的位置,体会他人的处境和感受。通常用来表示同情和理解他人的方式。
  • 造句:在与他人沟通时,我们应该设身处地地为他们着想,才能更好地理解他们的需求和感受。
  • The Chinese idiom 设身处地 (shè shēn chǔ dì) means to put oneself in someone else’s position to understand their situation and feelings. It is often used to express empathy and understanding.

6. 志在四方 (zhì zài sì fāng)

  • 中文意思:形容有远大的志向和抱负,愿意到各地去实现理想和目标。
  • 造句:小王从小就志在四方,希望通过自己的努力在世界各地有所成就。
  • The Chinese idiom 志在四方 (zhì zài sì fāng) describes having great ambitions and aspirations, with a willingness to explore and achieve goals in various places. It highlights a person’s determination and expansive vision.

7. 自食其力 (zì shí qí lì)

  • 中文意思:形容依靠自己的能力和努力养活自己,不依赖他人。
  • 造句:毕业后,小李通过自食其力,成功开创了自己的事业。
  • The Chinese idiom 自食其力 (zì shí qí lì) describes the ability to support oneself through one’s own efforts and capabilities, without relying on others. It emphasizes independence and self-reliance.




Claire Guo